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WKO - Dir. Tessa Kadletz

Tessa Kadletz


Where are you from and where do you live now?

I brought a good portion of „Schmäh” from my native Styria to Vienna over 10 years ago. Vienna was then actually only intended as a stopover before Berlin, but to this day it has not let me out of its grumpy spell.

What is the greatest masterpiece of film in your opinion?

I love science fiction so I have to answer the question with an old film, Blade Runner 1982 and a remake, Dune.

A highlight in your career?

The official musicvideo for the Austrian contribution to the Eurovision Songcontest in 2022 and its over 6.Million Views on Youtube.

What else is your passion?

My second passion is electronic music. I am a DJ, established in the underground Techno scene and getting a lot of inspiration from this part of my life for working as a director. This diverse scene is reflecting a lot of creativity in an openminded and safe space – this fact combined with meeting so many unique and new people all around the world is a true enrichment for my work in the film industry.

A fun fact about you / Any guilty pleasure?

My first job was as a live radio presenter for a large Austrian supermarket chain. So I was the one who subtly whispered to you what you should consume while shopping – now I’m actually doing the same just in a cinematic and more creative way. 😉



Coming-Of-Rage Dark Comedy Series
6 episodes á 45 mins