Leica – Soul



Where are you from and where do you live now?
I am originally from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, but I have family in Italy as well, so I am always traveling to Europe to visit them. Currently I live and have a house in Sao Paulo.

What is the greatest masterpiece of film in your opinion?
For me, the film of my life is FIGHT CLUB. That changed my whole perspective not only in cinema, but also in life. I have watched it again on a flight, and it is still modern, fresh and cool.

A highlight in your career?
I think the Leica commercial I did in 2012 is probably my best film so far. It was done without much money but with lots of heart.

What else is your passion?

Photography, dogs and guitars.

A fun fact about you / Any guilty pleasure?

I am the purest procrastinator. I still do what I need to do, but I honestly wait until the last second to do it, because there might be a chance that I don’t have to do it at all. I can also sign my name and eat Japanese food with both hands. I broke my arm seriously 10 years ago, and had to learn how to use my left hand for everything.


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+43 1 522 44 07
Branded Entertainment, Commercials & Service
+43 1 997 41 22
Feature Film & Series
Lindengasse 1/12 | 1070 Vienna


Coming-Of-Age Drama Series
6 episodes á 45 mins