Nina Worisch - Showreel

Nina Worisch

Post Artist

Where are you from and where do you live now?
Born, raised and still living in Vienna.

What is the greatest masterpiece of film in your opinion?
I could never name just one… There are far too many great movies or series, but the ones that immediately come to my mind because I enjoyed them as a whole and also replayed particular scenes of are Oldboy, Hard Candy, Whiplash and The Handmaid’s Tale.

What else is your passion?
Video games. I love not only playing them, but also immersing myself into a visual world that was imagined and built from scratch by creative minds. I’m also a great enthusiast for games that try to venture into interactive narratives which make them emotionally more compelling.

Any guilty pleasure?
Definitely watching true crime documentaries.

Don't be shy -
get in touch

+43 1 522 44 07
Branded Entertainment, Commercials & Service
+43 1 997 41 22
Feature Film & Series
Lindengasse 1/12 | 1070 Vienna


Coming-Of-Rage Dark Comedy Series
6 episodes á 45 mins