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Maurus vom Scheidt


Where are you from and where do you live now?

I was born and raised in Italy’s most northern city Munich. Yet, with my grandparents living south of the Alps, I also got to live in the real thing for about 3,5 years. Which was amazing, as MTV started there years before it did in Germany. The afternoons I spent mesmerized by early music television had a massive influence on me. After a year in England and endless months in Hamburg, Berlin and all over the place for work, I live in Munich with my wife and children.

What is the greatest masterpiece of film in your opinion?

It’s impossible to name only one. Some films have an influence in certain times, only very few age really well. Among my favorites are 8 1/2, LES 400 COUPS, FALLEN ANGELS, SOY CUBA, DE BATTRE MON COEUR S’EST ARRÊTÉE, DEER HUNTER, WHITE RIBBON, HEAT, LA PROMESSE, ASHES AND DIAMONDS, THERE WILL BE BLOOD, SOME LIKE IT HOT.

A highlight in your career?

Definitely a 3-day shoot in Kazakhstan which felt like 3 months – and I mean that in a good way. The most intense experience in my career so far, so rewarding in terms of learning to open up to the circumstances, to cherish and work with what is available, rather than what you dreamt of at your desk.

What else is your passion?

Music. I deejayed in bars and clubs, I was Thursday resident with two friends at the Atomic Cafe, for years one of Germany most interesting clubs for Indie and 60ies music. A very charming Pete Doherty asked me once if I wanted to swap coats with him, which I had to refuse as he’s significantly smaller than me and it was bloody cold that night. From my teenage years on I wanted to become a photographer, I had started an apprenticeship but then a friend asked me to help out on a film project as a driver… I still always carry a photo camera with me though, it’s a nice balance to filming.

A fun fact about you / Any guilty pleasure?

Even though Spotify is far from perfect in terms of their catalog, I create playlists for my friends every few weeks. Which is weird because Spotify prevents you from knowing whether anyone actually listens to them. Still it’s fun for me, sharing a certain blend of music can tell more about your state of mind than writing a letter. Collecting photobooks probably qualifies as guilty pleasure. In a time where it’s totally normal to gather gigabytes of visual references on your hard drive, it means much more to me to hold something in my hands. Like the difference between handwriting and typing it really evokes a different stream of thoughts.

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Coming-Of-Rage Dark Comedy Series
6 episodes á 45 mins