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Mercedes Benz – Eternal Love

Dorian & Daniel


Where are you from and where do you live now?
Originally Daniel is from the North and Dorian from the South of Germany. So we combine the northern dry humor with the Swabian accuracy. At the moment it is actually the other way round: Dorian lives in Berlin while Daniel has fallen in love with Maultaschen in the South and stayed for them … and maybe also a bit for his girlfriend.

What is the greatest masterpiece of film in your opinion?
Dorian: It has to be Fight Club.
Daniel: The old Star Wars Trilogy.

A highlight in your career?
We are always trying to do commercials that are doing more than selling the product. We want to tell stories and entertain people. Winning an AICP makes your film a part of the film archive of the MoMA. Having two films there is really a highlight for us!

What else is your passion?

Cooking, going on long hikes in fabulous landscapes, doing and listening to music … and of course: Maultaschen!

A fun fact about you / Any guilty pleasure?

One of us has sung in a Barbershop Quartett in his past. Guess who? Hint: he likes Maultaschen. The other has saved a lamb out of a river … after it fell in because he had chased it.

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+43 1 522 44 07
Branded Entertainment, Commercials & Service
+43 1 997 41 22
Feature Film & Series
Lindengasse 1/12 | 1070 Vienna


Coming-Of-Rage Dark Comedy Series
6 episodes á 45 mins